Congratulations on taking the first step to Break Free from the Challenges in your life and learn how to utilize The Power Of Your Heart to finally reach all of the goals
that have eluded you thus far, in this Life Changing Book!
What other's are saying about this book:

"If people would only do what Brandy says to do in this book, the world would change for the better!"
~Bob Doyle #1 Bestselling author of Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power and featured teacher of The Secret

"This eye-opening and transformative book will guide you to experiencing greater Love and Happiness in your life from the inside out!"
~ Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No Reason, Love for No Reason, and Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

"I can't recommend this book more! It will change how you see the world and how you experience life forever! This book, and the program that it represents, will bring your heart and head together and revolutionize your life into something that feels far more joy-filled and magical!"
~ David Corbin Bestselling Author of, Illuminate and Psyched On Service
Sign Up Here To Start This
Powerful Journey Now and receive my
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Heal All of Your Relationships
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Do You Know How Powerful Your Heart Is? Did you know your Heart is 5000 Times More Powerful electro-magnetically then your brain – and that it is the biggest contributor to what you are experiencing in your life right now and in your relationships?
Do you want to.....
- Experience more love in your life
- Experience less conflict and more internal peace
- Have a greater relationship with your life partner
- Grow stronger relationships with your family, friends and coworkers
- Be Free of old hurts, patterns and limiting beliefs
- Enjoy greater health
- Experience more magic, joy and abundance in your life
- Understand how you have created your life thus far and transform it into the life of your dreams
- Be Free of Struggle and Finally Live Your Life Dream?
Then we can help you! To start the journey to all of the above, Sign Up Now to get your copy of Heal Your Heart ~ Free Your Mind and unlock the keys on how to best utilize Your Very Powerful Heart to finally live the life you've always longed for - free of all the struggles that once limited you!

Brandy Faith Weld is a Bestselling Author and an Agent of the Heart for Healing and Change. She has been involved in neuro-science and personal development work for over 25 years. She has led individuals and organizations in Peak Performance Development and hasÂ
designed and taught transformational courses around the world. In 2000, she launched and managed all new hire and sale skill training for Cisco System's World Wide Sales Force Training and Development Organization.
Her real awareness and true transformation came after she hit rock bottom and had a Near Death Experience. She returned back from the other side with a mission and a blue print to stop the human suffering that gets passed down from generation to generation and to liberate man from the patterns that have limited and confined them. That is the intention of this book and all of her programs.
What others are saying about
Heal Your Heart~Free Your Mind:
"Heal Your Heart ~ Free Your Mind unveils key information about the power of both our heart and mind, how utilizing the combination of the two determines what our lives are like today and how we can utilize that power to now determine our future. Brandy’s book unites the paths of the head and the heart and shows us how to bypass the obstacles that often block us from truly living our most optimal life.”
~ Howard Martin, Executive Vice President and Co-author, The HeartMath Solution
"Heal Your Heart ~ Free Your Mind will show you how your internal world is constantly molding your external experience. This brilliant book will open the doors of awareness and give you essential tools to positively and powerfully manifest the life of your heart and soul's intention."
~ Chris Attwood, Co-Author of the NY Times Bestseller, The Passion Test and The Hidden Riches
“This book demystifies the crucial steps that must be taken in order to consciously create the life we want. If you’ve been disappointed or confused by all you’ve heard about the Law of Attraction, read this book and do exactly what it says to do, and watch how your entire life transforms and blossoms!"
 ~ Dr. Joe Vitale, Bestselling Author of, The Attractor Factor, The Key and Zero Limits
“This book sews together all of the key pieces that are required to actually manifest in the physical world what we have always wanted to create in our lives. It provides powerful healing practices and practical tools that, if followed, are nothing short of magical and life-changing."
~ Natalie Ledwell, Bestselling Author of, Never In Your Wildest Dreams & Co-founder of MindMovies

Bob Doyle-
The uAttract Webinar
Featured teacher from The Secret created an amazing, content-rich, visually stimulating educational webinar that goes deep into the science of the Law of Attraction and the power of visualization. This astounding, content-rich, visually stimulating educational webinar is designed to activate the attraction process of your most passionate desire. It has a "release technique" built in, so that any limited thinking and its energetic impact of that thinking is neutralized in real-time! He takes you on a very unique, visually stimulated journey that culminates in one of the most immersive education and energy-shifting experience you may ever have!
Bob Doyle is the author of the #1 Bestselling book Follow Your Passion- Find Your Power. He's best known as a Law of Attraction expert, having created the Wealth Beyond Reason Law of Attraction System and a featured teacher in the film The Secret.
Dramatic changes in his personal and professional life sent Bob down a path of personal reinvention, and he is inviting you to follow his lead. If you're feeling yourself being called into a life that is bigger and better than anything you've ever experienced, but you aren't quite sure how to get there, then you won't want to miss learning from Bob! To learn more about Bob Doyle and the Law of Attraction, visit:www.wealthbeyondreasonexperience.com

Joe Vitale-
Attract Money Now
Joe was homeless once and lived in poverty for many years. He is offering his Attract Money Now book to help you if you are struggling. He has discovered the path to freedom and is sharing his wisdom with you!
In Attract Money Now, you’ll learn: The 7-step formula to attract money FAST that will work for YOU, how to use the “tapping” technique to get cash flowing, how the rich think differently regarding money, the one thing you need to do that will ALWAYS lead your to more money, how to set up multiple streams of income based on doing what you love, and much, much more!
Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of, The Attractor Factor, Life's Missing Instruction Manual, The Key, Faith, Zero Limits, The Zero Point and many more! Joe has also been in several movies, including the blockbuster The Secret.Â
He created a Miracles Coaching® program that helps people achieve their dreams by understanding the deeper aspects of the law of attraction and the law of right action. He was once homeless but today is a bestselling author who believes in magic and miracles. For more information on Joe Vitale, go to: www.mrfire.com

Arielle Ford and Brian Hilliard -
In this BIG LOVE: Making It Happen Program – You will get the answers to the most common questions about manifesting love. Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret and her husband Brian Hilliard answer your most burning questions about manifesting your perfect soulmate relationship. They believe that whether you are eighteen or eighty years old, finding Big Love is always possible.
Arielle is one of the nations leading book publicists and a well-known author of seven books, including the most popular Hot Chocolate For The Mystical Soul series.Â
Her bestselling book, The Soulmate Secret: How To Manifest The Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction has served as great inspiration to find great love for many.
To learn more about Arielle Ford and the secret of good relationships, visit www.soulmatesecret.com/blog

Marci Shimoff-
The Three Secrets to Living a Life Filled with Miracles (MP3 of the live event).
If your life isn’t working the way you want it to and you feel like you could really use a miracle, this seminar is for you. During this on-line event, happiness expert Marci Shimoff and success expert Debra Poneman reveal their proven 3-step formula for Creating miracles in every area of your life - every day of your life..... not someday..... but Now!
Marci Shimoff is a #1 NY Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher and an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love. Her books have sold over 15 million copies translated into 33 languages. Marci was also a featured teacher in the film and book sensation, The Secret. Dedicated to helping people experience more empowerment and joy, Marci’s current passion is mentoring women to live lives filled with miracles. To learn more about Marci Shimoff and her empowerment, visit: www.YourYearofMiracles.com

Jack Canfield-
The Success Principles- 10 Days Transformation
Learn the fast and fun way! By the end of the 10 days you will be primed to achieve your goals and reach a higher level of success! Your Training Includes:
- 40-page excerpt from his bestselling book: The Success Principles
- 10 daily lessons of homework (15-60 minutes each)
- 38-min video:Â Liberate Yourself from the Blame Game
- 60-min audio:Â Take Control and Get What You Want
- 72-min audio:Â Awakening Power: Visualizations and Meditations for Success
As the driving force behind the development and delivery of more than 123 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise (and over 500 million copies in print worldwide), Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success.
Behind the empire Time Magazine called the "publishing phenomenon of the decade" is America's leading expert in creating peak performance for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, corporate employees, and educators. Over the last 30 years, his compelling message, empowering energy and personable coaching style has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals achieve their dreams. Learn more about Jack and his work at:Â //jackcanfield.com/training-events/

Katherine Woodward Thomas-
Conscious Uncoupling On-line Seminar
In this Online Seminar you'll discover: The real reason feelings of rage, despair, betrayal and devastation are often triggered during a breakup. .How you can instead bring healing to yourself and everyone who is impacted by your separation. You will also learn why being “strong” and moving on without looking back can actually sabotage your chances for future love. Katherine addresses the need to release blame and shame in order to reclaim your power. How evolving the dynamics between you and your former partner and clearing away toxic emotional residue will allow for something new and healthy to emerge. And why time does not, in fact, heal all wounds, and what you can do to catalyze your own healing.
Katherine Woodward Thomas is the author of the national Bestseller Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life, a licensed psychotherapist, inspirational speaker and relationship expert who is grateful to have taught over 200,000 worldwide in her virtual and in person seminars and classes.
Katherine is the co-founder of the Feminine Power Global Community, a thriving transformative learning community serving thousands of women from over 80 countries. For more information about Katherine and her work, please see:Â www.KatherineWoodwardThomas.com

Marcia Wieder-
The CEO of the internationally acclaimed Dream University provides you with her 3 best ebooks from her Dream Movement Series.
Through these books, Marcia will help you get clear about what you do and don't want, overcome any obstacles in the way, and support you in taking inspired action right away. As a thought leader in visionary thinking and dreaming big, Marcia has captured the essence of what will catapult you forward today on any personal or professional dream.
Dream University’s CEO, Marcia Wieder is a long established thought leader on visionary thinking. As Founder of The Meaning Institute, she teaches people to create and live fulfilling lives. She is the author of 14 books. She has often appeared on Oprah an was featured in her own PBS-TV show called Making Your Dreams Come True. She has taught at Stanford’s Business School, is the president of the National Association of Women Business Owners and has assisted 3 U.S. presidents. She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and on the advisory board for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. For more information and Marcia and her work go to: //dreamuniversity.com

Natalie Ledwell-
6 Pre-made Mind Movies
You will receive 6 Pre-made Mind Movies to attract money, your right life partner be it a man or a women, for good health, for your spirituality and for your relationships with friends and family. A Mind Movie is a digital vision board- a short, powerful movie filled with uplifting images and photos, positive present tense affirmations and emotionally inspiring music that you choose and watch for just a few minutes a day. And when you do, something magical happens in your life.....
Natalie represents what all entrepreneurs strive to be: a determined success. As one of the founders of Mind Movies, she helped build the company with her love for personal development, knowledge of the Law of Attraction (LOA) and powerful visualization methods.
Natalie's book, Never In Your Wildest Dreams, is a story that illustrates how the LOA works and specifically outlines what you can do on a daily basis to optimize this universal law. Readers quickly begin to possess the empowering ability to attract ANYTHING. To learn more about Natalie Ledwell and all her inspiring work, visit:www.mindmovies.com

Noah St. John-
Ultimate Love iAfform Audio
Everyone wants to experience more love in his or her lives. But sometimes, if you’ve been hurt in the past, it feels scary to let love in. What can you do if you don’t want to close off your feelings any more – and still feel SAFE?
In less than an hour of listening to the Ultimate Love Afformations® Session, you’ll find the courage to love fully again. You’ll experience more confidence and strength as you open your heart to experience the joy of true love! Just sit back and listen as Ultimate Love allows you to FREE YOUR HEART and experience love and safety in any situation!
Noah St. John, known by many as “The Power Habits® Mentor”, is the best-selling author of 10 books that have been translated into 12 languages, including his latest bestseller The Book of AFFORMATIONS® published by Hay House.
According to Stephen Covey, “Noah St. John’s work is about discovering within ourselves what we should have known all along – we are truly powerful beings with unlimited potential.” To learn more about Noah St. John and all of his programs, visit www.NoahStJohn.com and www.iAfform.com

Katie and Gay Hendricks-
The Ten Most Common Relationship Problems On-line Program
Why not take a conscious stand for having joy in your close relationships?
Katie and Gay created the relationship of their dreams through tiny moments of conscious choice. And so can you! The best news about this approach? The same principles apply to every relationship you have. With your beloved, your parents, your children, even your coworkers.
We have created the best roadmap for conscious relationship on the planet. It works. You are invited to experience a new way of relating. This program is all about the most common issues people have and is full of suggested solutions!
About Katie and Gay Hendricks and the Hendricks Institute: For over 30 years, we have loved, lived, and learned together.
We’re our own best customers for the practices you’ll find in our books and programs. Our relationship is a living laboratory for conscious loving, and we’ve personally tested everything we teach in the bedroom, over breakfast, and in the boardroom. We've written over 30 books, trained thousands of coaches, appeared on Oprah, and hosted seminars around the globe.
We’ve broken through the muck of limiting beliefs — and explored the boundless creativity, intimacy, and ease on the other side. Let us help you do the sameat: //www.hendricks.com

Jonathon Aslay-
How To Get Any Man To Open Up
If you’ve ever experienced the pain and frustration of trying to get close to a guy who just seems emotionally distant, you may have questioned everything you know – or thought you knew – about men. In this audio, I provide you with –a man’s point of view – the secret to getting any man to open up, no matter how closed off he seems to be, including…
- How to understand "man-speak"
- How men view love, sex, and relationships – and how this view changes over time
- How the language he uses can reveal his true intentions (is he ready for a relationship or not?)
Known as America’s Leading Midlife Dating & Relationship Coach, Jonathon Aslay is a defender and protector of women’s hearts around the world. He helps women transform from attracting Mr. Wrong into finding their Mr. Right.
Jonathon is a successful entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and author of Unlocking the Male Mind, Finding Love Online and Why Men Pull Away: 3 Ways to Keep Him Close. Jonathon is like a GUY SPY to the male mind, who truly understands the way a single or divorced man thinks and acts. For more information on Jonathon Aslay, visit: www.understandmennow.com

Debbi Dachinger-
Bestselling Audio Book, Wisdom To Success: The Surefire Secrets to Accomplish All Your Dreams”
Enjoy this audio book, read by inspirational teacher Debbi Dachinger, on how to successfully create YOUR dreams now. This new and exciting book receives acclaim for changing lives, providing valuable information to realize dreams, overcome any obstacles and giving the exact recipe on how to achieve goals successfully, every time.
You will also receive Another Bonus on, Learn how to ALWAYS accomplish your goals and get real happiness in the process
Debbie Dachinger is a media personality and author of the highly acclaimed, award-winning international bestsellers, DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts, and WISDOM TO SUCCESS: The Surefire Secrets to Accomplish All Your Dreams.
Debbi is a popular media guest and speaker who’s been interviewed on 600+ radio and TV shows. Debbi Dachinger ensures us that all of our dreams are possible and are waiting on us to get started. To learn more about Debbie Dachinger and her works, visit: www.deborahdachinger.com

Howard Martin-
Creating a Heart Based World Webinar – with Gregg Braden
An unprecedented amount of change is occurring in our world. People are sensing it, seeing it and experiencing it in their personal lives. We observe many problems and increasing chaos and at the same time see new, wonderful changes emerging. Many are wondering where we are headed. Find out from both Gregg Braden and Howard Martin
Howard Martin is the Executive Vice President and one of the original leaders who helped Doc Childre found HeartMath. During his career with HeartMath, he has been instrumental in business development and in delivering HeartMath’s practical, yet dynamic, programs to thousands of participants’ worldwide.
He is the co-author of The HeartMath Solution and the producer of two award-winning musical recordings including Doc Childre’s Heart Zones which spent 50 consecutive weeks on Billboard Magazine’s music charts. To learn more about Howard and HeartMath visit: www.heartmath.com/about/

Leana Greene-
Created 8,000 video interviews about Relationship and Parenting. She includes top experts in parenting and relationships, such as physicians, psychologists, researchers, educators and best-selling authors like John Gray. These videos also feature leaders of national organizations and parents who have dealt with specific issues and can share their hard-earned wisdom.Â
Leana Greene created this gift as she was searching for answers herself, while striving to be the best parent she could be to her three kids. She loved to go to lectures featuring experts across all fields of parenting. Her dream has become to give parents everywhere access to quality advice in a quick and easy way, as well as, to create a resource where parents could share their wisdom to raise the consciousness of parenting. To learn more about Leana Greene and her work, visit:Â www.leana.com

Michael Bernard Beckwith
This approximate 30 minute meditation will guide you into Revelation of who you really are and the vast potential of your soul. Through this internal journey you will discover and Awaken your soul's unique purpose and intention.
In 1986, Michael Bernard Beckwith founded the Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community highly regarded for it cultural, racial, and spiritual diversity, including thousands of local members and global live video streamers. Beckwith is a sought after meditation teacher and facilitator of conferences and seminars on the Life Visioning ProcessTM, which he originated. He is the author of The Answer Is You, 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, Inspirations of the Heart, and A Manifesto of Peace.
He has appeared on Dr. Oz, The Oprah Show, Larry King Live, Tavis Smiley, and in his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You. To learn more about Michael Bernard Beckwith and his inspiration, visit:Â //www.agapelive.com>

Relationships, Romance & Money: It's all connected.
The relationships we have impact the entirety of our lives. This 5 week program that will uncover how our relationships with sex, love, business & money are all inter-connected through the relationship we have with ourselves. In this on-line program you will learn new perspectives and key strategies to change your life and choose your destiny!
David Ament is a relationship expert, businessman and father. Boasting an educational background in psychology and decades of business experience, David is qualified to address a wide range of relationship issues.
The secret to his positive approach is all about being a "human enthusiast". He strives to help, inspire, educate and empower people through his forward thinking approach. David travels extensively throughout North America and other English-speaking countries around the world to hold life-altering workshops and seminars on relationships.